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Environment and experiences that children face during early development stage lays the foundation for their future well being, making it utterly important to ensure that they are surrounded by everything positive, constructive and healthy.

Early Child Development by Ziuo is a multi faceted program, aimed at meeting the social, physical, intellectual and emotional needs of children so they can grow and learn every day. Thanks to the increasing awareness about the roles that early experiences play in giving a shape to the future behavior, abilities and attitudes of a child, we have been successful in generating support from more and more families. Our initiatives involve working and collaborating with families, parents and communities for supporting proper development and growth of children, especially at locations where there the opportunities are less and limited.

Entering the phase of parenthood is a big transition, bringing along its own set of challenges. At such times, reassurance and support is what parents need the most to help them adjust to their new role and strengthen their bond with the child. At Ziuo, we provide constant support to new parents on various levels, making it easier for them to cope with the complexities and provide an environment which promises optimal development of children.

We understand that the development of body and mind varies from one child to another, thus it becomes our foremost responsibility to ensure that every child receives individualized care and attention he requires. By providing care to children at the most crucial phase of their development we are not only supporting families but strengthening our society on the whole.